Mountaindell MG Kiwanda 4*M ***SOLD*** DOB: 3/31/2018 Sire: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel +*B Dam: Mountaindell CA Grazia 3*M LA: 03-05 86 +EVV DNA on File (Alpha s1 Casein: E/O1) Kiwanda is an easy-going doe with interesting potential in light of her Alpha s1 Casein DNA test. If she is bred to a buck carrying the 01 (null) gene, her offspring might not produce the alpha s1 casein protein, which would be very beneficial for people with milk sensitivities. Her udder is very easy to milk and she has good production. Kiwanda was dry in 2023 and did not get appraised. Kiwanda is a solid doe with a good personality. We are making her available to make room for our younger does. She can be bred before being sold. |
Mountaindell Levity 4*M
***SOLD*** DOB: 3/16/19 Sire: Bearly Glasgow Ohakune *B Dam: SG Mountaindell ME Jacali 3*M LA: 02-05 86 +VVVV Alpha s1 Casein: B/F Levity was a happy kid who loved to jump and climb (thus, her name). Now five, she has become a productive doe in our herd. She looks a lot like her lovely dam. Levity freshened for the first time 3/31/21 with a very well-attached udder with wonderful texture. I love the extension of her foreudder and her length of body. She had triplet doe kids 3/9/22 and triplets again 2/28/24. She was dry in 2023 and did not get appraised. Levity had an easy delivery followed by a rough time after freshening in 2024. |
Mountaindell BGO Manzanita
***SOLD*** (5*M pending from 2023) DOB: 5/1/20 Sire: Bearly Glasgow Ohakune *B Dam: Mountaindell MG Kiwanda 4*M LA: 03-01 85 VVVV DNA on File (Alpha s1 Casein: O1/O1) Manzanita is a chamoisee doe who will not produce any Alpha s1 Casein. This might be very helpful for those with milk sensitivities. She freshened easily in 2022 with a single kid. Manzie is well put together and has a nicely shaped udder that is easy to milk. She is not a big producer, which could be related to her Alpha s1 Casein status, as the other members of her family have good production. She had twins in 2023 and again in 2024. 2025: Confirmed bred to Rafaello and due 2/26/25. |
Mountaindell TAD New Promise
***SOLD*** DOB: 11/18/21 Sire: Tempo Aquila TFE D'Artagnan *B Dam: SG Mountaindell SWE Gloria 3*M DNA: Alpha s1 Casein: E/E (by pedigree) Promise is from a set of quads born late in 2021. It was a difficult decision between her and her two sisters as to which one we would keep! She has the friendly, inquisitive personality of her dam, Gloria. (Photo from 2022). Promise is now three and we are disappointed that she has not been bred. She was finally confirmed bred and sold to a 4-H home, Her dam was Sarah's 4-H project and we are happy to continue her legacy! 2025: Confirmed bred to Rafaello 10/27/24. |
Mountaindell MAJ Leandra 3*M
***SOLD*** DOB: 1/10/19 Sire: Mountaindell Andretti Jura +*B Dam: SG Mountaindell BC's Holiday 2*M LA: 04-05 87 VVVV; 02-07 86 +VVV Alpha s1 Casein: E/F Leandra is tall and looks a lot like her dam, Holiday. She placed 7 in a large kid class at the 2019 ADGA National Show in Redmond. Leandra first freshened in March, 2021, with two beautiful cou blanc doe kids, one of whom we have retained (Nolana). Leandra has a beautiful, capacious udder with a soft texture that is easy to milk. We regretfully are sold her to make room in our herd for younger does but are keeping both her 2023 kids. 2023: Twins from Capellini born 4/14/23; buck and doe. We are keeping Riella and Rafaello! |
Mountaindell TAD Paulina
***SOLD*** DOB: 3/31/22 Sire: Tempo Aquila TFE D'Artagnan *B Dam: Mountaindell BGO Manzanita DNA: Alpha s1 Casein E/01 (by pedigree) This friendly, two-tone chamoisee yarling is growing well and available for $400. Sale price includes breeding. 2024: Bred to Capellini; due 3/4/24. |
Mountaindell Rina (10881868)
***SOLD*** DOB: 1/12/2020 Dam: Mountaindell Dutch Clover (10753606) Sire: FoxDen Farm Gridster II (10773011) (SQ) Rina is the only doe we have retained from Clover. Since Clover had a damaged udder, we tried to bottle feed Rina but she stubbornly refused a bottle and we finally relented to let her nurse with her twin brother. She ended up being exceptionally friendly to humans and also accepting Napa as a sort of surrogate mother (though Napa didn't have milk for her, they do eat hay together). Rina is a beautiful traditional doe. She freshened easily with a large, long buck kid who is growing rapidly. Rina and her buck kid are easy-going, drama-free goats who just want to hang out and eat. 2023: Large, single buck kid born 1/17/23. |
FoxDen Farm Gridster II (10773011)
***SOLD*** DOB: 12/25/2017 Dam: FDF3 FoxDen Farm Quinzie Sire: Capri Capriole's Red Thor (SQ) DNA on File Grid (also known as "Christmas" due to his birthdate), is our Boer herdsire. He is a beautiful Fullblood boy with a gentle temperament! We love the kids he sired in 2019 and 2020--they grow nicely and have large bones and squarely set legs. This is an old photo of Christmas. We are keeping two of his daughters in our small herd, so decided to sell him to the right home and purchase a new buck in 2021. |
SG Mountaindell MTB Katrina 10*M
***SOLD*** DOB: 1/26/2018 Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B Dam: SG Mountaindell MG Highland Park 9*M LA: 03-07 83 +VV+; 01-04 83 +V++ DNA on File: (Alpha s1 Casein: A/E) As a kid, Katrina was Grand Champion Junior Doe twice at the 2018 Udder Spectacular Show and Best Junior Doe in Show. She was also a Champion Junior Doe at the 2018 NWODGA show. She freshened late in Spring 2019 with a nice udder. In 2020, Katrina developed into one of our tallest does and milked well on an extended lactation. I love her strength of bone and steady personality. However, her udder is difficult to hand milk. Katrina will be for sale after she freshens in March. 2022: Twins born to D'Artagnan on 3/18/22. We are retaining the doe kid and the buck kid was sold as a pack goat. |
SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B
***DIED*** DOB: 3/18/2011 Sire: Wind Ridge Last Tango +*B Dam: SG Sequoia Wood MZA Rosita *M LA: 07-04 90 VEE; 05-05 88 VVE; 04-03 90 VEE; 03-03 88 VEE; 02-03 86 +EV DNA on File (Alpha s1 Casein: A/E) Bravo is the son of our first purchased buck, Tango, and our favorite doe, Rosie. He sired several nice does (Katrina was a Junior Champion (x3) and Best Junior Doe in Show in 2018, 2 were Reserve Champion Junior Does, and Delilah easily earned her SG and milk star as a yearling and was Supreme Doe at the 2014 Washington County Fair). He was a Reserve Champion Alpine Buck at the 2014 Megabucks Show (his only show). Bravo had his dam's good disposition and was very easy to handle. At age 9, Bravo was still going strong! His 2018 buck kid, Kendric, qualified for the ADGA Young Sire Development Program, as did his 2020 buck kid, Montecristo. Sadly, Bravo died suddenly in February, 2021, at the age of 10. |
Mountaindell BGO Letizia
***SOLD*** DOB: 11/7/19 Sire: Bearly Glasgow Ohakune *B Dam: Mountaindell CA Grazia 3*M DNA: Alpha s1 Casein: 01/01 Letizia is a pretty doe born late in 2019. She is our first doe kid who tested null for alpha s1 casein, which means her milk will not contain any of this type of casein and should be better for those sensitive to milk protein. Letizia freshened easily in 2021 and is pictured a couple of days after freshening. 2021: Freshened 4/19/21; twins from Mountaindell Bravo Montecristo *B. |
Mountaindell MAJ Kopelani 3*M
***SOLD*** DOB: 5/14/18 Sire: Mountaindell Andretti Jura +*B Dam: SG Mountaindell SWE Francesca 2*M DNA: Alpha s1 Casein: E/E Kopelani was our youngest kid of 2018 and is still a little on the small side, but is a nice doe. She freshened with a single kid in May, 2020, and is easy to milk with good production and a beautiful foreudder. (Photo from August, 2020.) Kopelani permanently injured her left foreleg in 2020. She is for sale as a brood doe or family milk goat. 2021: Twin bucks from Mountaindell Bravo Montecristo *B born 4/2/2. |
Mountaindell Perfect Love
***SOLD*** DOB: 2/11/2019 Sire: Mountaindell WRN Espresso Dam: SG Mountaindell SWE Gloria 3*M DNA: Alpha s1 Casein: E/E Love is very much like her dam, Gloria, except Love is a lavender (she has no true black markings). She is the last doe sired by Espresso and we look forward to seeing her mature. (Holiday and Jacali are our other does out of Espresso--they are both heavy producers.) Love freshened with a capacious udder and was sold to a family needing lots of milk. 2021: Triplet bucks from SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B, born 2/28/21. Two buck kids are available. |
Mountaindell Lonicera
***SOLD*** DOB: 4/19/19 Sire: Bearly Glasgow Ohakune *B Dam: SG Mountaindell Jovellana 3*M Alpha s1 Casein: A/B "Loni" is a beautiful, correct young doe. Loni is our first doe out of Oak to freshen and we are excited to see how she matures. She has a nice udder, is very easy to milk, and has tons of dairy character! (Photo of her unclipped in August, 2020.) Loni is friendly and has wonderful milk stand manners. Her Casein status (A/B) means she should produce milk that makes great cheese! 2021: Sold open |
SG Mountaindell Jovellana 3*M ***SOLD*** DOB: 11/9/17 Sire: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel +*B Dam: SG Mountaindell BC's Holiday 2*M LA: 02-07 85VV+V DNA: Alpha s1 Casein: A/E "Joey" is three-year old with a lot of potential! Though she is out of our tallest doe (Holiday), Joey is on the small side, which held her back in the show ring. Her udder is well placed and secure, and she is a good producer. She had twins in 2020 and we are retaining her doe kid. 2021: Bred to Mountaindell OAT Makarios *B and due 3/1/21 |
SG Mountaindell ME Jacali 3*M
***SOLD*** DOB: 3/23/17 Sire: Mountaindell WRN Espresso Dam: SG Mountaindell SWE Francesca 2*M LA: 02-02 86 +VVE DNA: Alpha s1 Casein: E/F Jacali is a "lavender sundgau" out of one of our favorite lines (she is a Rosie granddaughter). She freshened easily with a large doe kid in March, 2019. She has a beautifully shaped and attached udder and is an excellent producer. We are retaining her doe kid from 2019. 2021: Sold open |
Mountaindell MG Keen Sensation3*M
*SOLD* DOB: 3/2/2018 Sire: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel +*B Dam: SG Mountaindell WRN Elan 2*M LA: 01-03 82 ++V+ We love this girl's style! And, she has an exceptionally outgoing, friendly personality. As a kid, Keen was Grand Champion Junior Doe once at the 2018 Udder Spectacular Show and Reserve Grand Champion twice (to Katrina, above). She was also Best Junior Doe in Show at the 2018 Oregon State Fair embedded youth show (and her dam was Youth Best Senior Doe in Show). Keen was unintentionally bred in 2018 and freshened at just over a year old, but has grown well and is now entering her second year in milk with good production and maturity. 2020: Buck and doe from Mountaindell Andretti Jura *B; born 4/13/20 |
Mountaindell Pure Kindness
*SOLD* DOB: 2/15/2018 Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B Dam: SG Mountaindell SWE Gloria 3*M "KC" is a lovely doe with a sweet temperament. She is built just like her dam (Gloria) and has the same body style Gloria had as a kid. KC is a great-granddaughter of one of our favorite does, Cabela. Cabela's line is very consistent with good structure and milk production. Unfortunately, KC freshened in November with an infected teat that impacts her productivity for life. She is for sale to a pet home. 2019: Twin bucks from Bearly Glasgow Ohakune *B; born 11/13/19 |
Mountaindell CA Grazia 3*M
*SOLD* DOB: 2/17/2016 Sire: GCH Colquitt's Andretti ++*B Elite Sire Dam: SG Mountaindell WRN Elan 2*M LA: 02-05 86 VVVV DNA on File (Alpha s1 Casein: F/01) Grazia means "grace", and this doe is pretty and graceful, just like her dam. She is a sundgau, like her sire, and has great depth of body. Interestingly, she is F/01 for Alpha s1 Casein--we would like to breed for milk that is acceptable to people with milk sensitivities, and 01 (null) milk might be helpful. Grazia freshened in 2018 with a nice udder and well-extended foreudder, though she lacks the capacity of her dam and has small teats. She freshened November 7, 2019, with a single doe kid that looks just like her. She is for sale as a brood doe. 2019: Letizia born 11/7/19 out of Bearly Glasgow Ohakune *B |
Mountaindell MK Milada
*SOLD* DOB: 1/7/20 Sire: Mountaindell MTB Kendric *B Dam: Mountaindell Kalilah 4*M Alpha s1 Casein: E/E (by pedigree) Malitta and Milada are our only doe kids out of Kendric, who was on the ADGA Young Sire Development List but died suddenly last fall. Milada is a colorful girl with a friendly personality. (In the photo she sports green tattoo ink on her face.) |
Mountaindell MAJ Laurel *Sold*
DOB: 1/13/19 Sire: Mountaindell Andretti Jura +*B Dam: SG Mountaindell WRN Elan 2*M Alpha s1 Casein: E/F (by pedigree) Laurel is Lexus' twin sister and lives in her shadow (Lexus has been to many shows while Laurel stayed home). However, Laurel is a beautiful young doe. We are looking for the right home for Laurel. She can be bred to Oak in Fall 2019 before being sold. |
Mountaindell MTB Java 3*M
*SOLD* DOB: 3/20/17 Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B Dam: SG Mountaindell WRN Elan 2*M LA: 02-02 84 VVV+ Java is a lavender chamoisee who is looking more and more like her beautiful dam, Elan. She freshened easily in March with twin bucks and is easy to milk. Though Java is one of our most skittish goats, she has wonderful milk-stand manners and we expect her to be an excellent producer. She is for sale after she freshens, as we'd like a doe out of her. 2020: Twin does from Mountaindell Andretti Jura *B born 4/15/20. We are retaining one doe kid. |
SG Mountaindell LT Buttercup *M
DOB: 3/10/2011 Sire: Wind Ridge Last Tango +*B Dam: Leap'N-Leabo Yona LA: 08-02 90 EEEV; 06-03 88 VEE+; 05-05 85 VVV+; 04-03 86 VEE+;03-03 89 VEVV; 02-03 86 VE+V; 01-03 85 VEV+ Sarah's doe Buttercup (also known as BC), at age 8, is our oldest doe. She is a nice doe with great body capacity and dairy character. She has excellent length and good width--a very classy girl! She had mastitis as a first freshener and now has an uneven but very functional udder; she milks 12-14 pounds daily, even at age 8. We are also pleased that not only is she still sound and productive; she appraised 90 (Excellent) at age 8! 2020: Regretfully, Buttercup had a difficult kidding and is now retired. She died soon after at the age of 9. |
Mountaindell Andretti Jura +*B
DOB: 3/23/17 Sire: GCH Colquitt's Andretti ++*B Elite Sire Dam: Tempo Aquila TAH Frascati 8*M LA: 02-02 82 ++V; 01-03 83 +V+ DNA on File (Alpha s1 Casein: E/E) Jura is a 2-year-old chamoise buck out of an amazing sire. We are delighted with his kids from 2018 and 2019. They are very wide and have correct legs. Jura's appraisal in 2018 brought a weak jaw to our attention (he was coded for it). However, his daughters have not shown any indication of this and we like them very much. Jura's junior get-of-sire placed 5th at Nationals (out of 9). We regret that Jura became ill and died in December, 2019. We have several beautiful daughters in our herd. |
Mountaindell MTB Kendric *B
DOB: 2/15/2018 Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B Dam: SG Mountaindell SWE Gloria 3*M DNA on File (Alpha s1 Casein: E/E) LA: 01-03 85 V+V ADGA Young Sire Development Program Kendric is a handsome triplet out of Bravo and Gloria, two of our favorite goats. His brother, Knightly, was sold to another herd and we are retaining his sister, but we found we just couldn't part with Kendric so finally registered him and decided to use him in our 2019 breeding program. Unfortunately, Kendric died suddenly in August, 2019, with only 2 does bred to him. We later found out that he had qualified for ADGA's Young Sire Development Program. |
Mountaindell MG Lady Jane
Sold 7/2019 DOB: 11/5/17 Sire: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel +*B Dam: Mountaindell MTB Cerisa 2*M Alpha s1 Casein: E/E LA: 02-07 83 +V+V Like her dam, Jane is a large, tall doe. Her biggest fault is that her rear hocks turn in more than we would like. She freshened easily in March with twins and is easy to milk, milking over a gallon a day. We need to decrease our numbers so are offering Jane for sale. She has a sweet personality and will make a wonderful family milk doe. 2019: Twin does from Bearly Glasgow Ohakune *B (both are for sale) |
Mountaindell MG Kyrie Eleison
Sold 7/2019 DOB: 4/29/18 Sire: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel +*B Dam: Mountaindell CA I Need A Hero Kyrie is a nice, friendly yearling, though she is still small. Kyrie is a triplet. We are offering her for sale to keep our numbers down. This photo (March, 2019), shows her in her winter coat. 2019: Dry yearling |
Mountaindell MG Klondike
Sold 7/2019 DOB: 3/31/2018 Sire: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel +*B Dam: Mountaindell CA Grazia 3*M DNA on File (Alpha s1 Casein: B/01) LA: 01-02 81 +VA+ Klondike is a lovely doe with a well-attached udder. She is one of our smaller yearlings and she was unintentionally bred last fall. She freshened easily on March 18 with a good-sized single sundgau buck kid. Klonkide is easy to milk and stands readily on the stanchion. Klondike and her twin sister, Kiwanda, carry the 01 (null) gene for Alpha s1 Casein. Klondike also carries the B gene. Depending on which buck she is bred to, she could produce kids with no casein (good for those with milk allergies) or a good amount of casein (excellent for cheese production). We like Klondike and would love to see her mature, but we need to decrease our numbers so are offering her for sale. 2019: Single buck kid |
SG Mountaindell MG Highland Park 9*M
Sold 7/2019 DOB: 4/17/2016 Sire: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel +*B Dam: Tempo Aquila TAH Frascati 8*M LA: 03-01 88 VEVV; 02-03 87 VVVE Parker is a lovely chamoisee doe who produces well. She could use a flatter back and rump. She was named Junior Champion Alpine at the Union County Fair in 2017, earning her dry leg with ADGA. Her daughter, Katrina, won BIS junior doe at a 2018 spring show (see Show Results page). Parker consistently milks 10-13 pounds a day. 2019: Buck and doe (Laura) from Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B (Repeating her 2017 breeding, as we like Katrina.) |
Mountaindell WRN Espresso
Died 2/2019 DOB: 3/23/2014 Sire: SG Wind Ridge Napoli +*B Elite Sire Dam: Ravens View Farms Amelia *M LA: 03-02 85 +VV; 02-05 85 VVV; 01-02 84 +VV; (+EcV)+ DNA on File (Alpha s1 Casein: E/F) Espresso is a nice buck with correct feet and legs and a wide rump and back. A lavender sundgau, he is not quite a correct Alpine color. However, his good structure, health, and pedigree earned him a place in our herd and we are pleased with his kids. (Photo taken in 2017 at 3 years old.) Espresso's daughter Holiday is beautiful and easy to milk and we look forward to seeing his other daughters mature as well. |
Mountaindell SWE Gabriel +*B
Died 2/2019 DOB: 2/17/2015 Sire: Sequioa Wood YJ Everest +*B Dam: SG Mountaindell Delilah 2*M LA: 02-04 82 +++; 01-06 84 +V+; 00-04 +EcVV DNA on File (Alpha s1 Casein: A/E) Gabriel and his twin sister Gloria were Delilah's last kids, as she died suddenly of enterotoxemia 3 months after their births. He sired several really nice kids. So far, only Parker has freshened and we are very pleased with her. His line improves udder texture and ease of milking. Gabriel injured one of his forelegs in 2017 (just prior to appraisal unfortunately) and will not be shown again. (Photo taken 2017 at 2 years old.) His injury worsened as he aged and we put him down in winter, 2019. |
Tempo Aquila TAH Frascati 8*M
*SOLD* DOB: 11/24/14 Sire: SG Tempo Aquila Handyman ++*B Elite Sire Dam: SG Tempo Aquila Bellelay 7*M LA: 03-07 88 VEEV; 02-06 86 ++VV; 01-09 85 VV+V; (+EcEc)V DNA on File (Alpha s1 Casein: E/E) Frascati is a productive doe with a nicely attached udder. Her worst fault is that her teats are a little out to the sides of her udder, making her difficult to hand milk. She freshened twice with twins and was still milking 9-11 pounds daily at the end of an extended lactation (she is being dried up in September, 2018). She (and her triplet sisters) are excellent producers in extended lactations. Frascati is for sale (we are retaining her lovely daughter, Parker and son, Jura). 2018 Breeding: Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B (also bred by Espresso and Gabriel--will DNA test kids) |
SG Mountaindell SWE Francesca 2*M
*SOLD* DOB: 2/15/2015 Sire: Sequoia Wood YJ Everest +*B Dam: SG Sequoia Wood MZA Rosita *M LA: 03-05 88 VEVV; 02-04 86 +VVV; (+V+)+; (+VV)V This sweet doe is our final kid from our beloved Rosie, who died in 2016. Like her dam, Francesca has a big personality! She is also producing very well, milking over 11 pounds daily since she freshened in May. 2017 Breeding: Mountaindell Andretti Jura *B; Twin does born 5/14/18. |
Mountaindell Ha'Penny
*SOLD* DOB: 2/18/16 Sire: Mountaindell WRN Espresso Dam: SG Mountaindell LT Buttercup *M LA: (VV+)V Penny is a lavender chamoisee. She broke her rear leg when she was 3 months old, jumping through the top of a gate from a mineral feeder. Her leg took a long time, but appears to be healed. Penny was Reserve Champion Junior Alpine at the Union County Fair in 2017. 2018 Breeding: Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B (She was bred to Bravo in 2017 and confirmed pregnant, then lost the pregnancy. She tested positive for pregnancy in fall, 2018, before being sold.) |
Mountaindell MTB Cerisa 2*M
*SOLD* DOB: 3/5/2015 Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B Dam: Missdee's BA Cherise *M LA: 03-04 85 VVE+; (+V+)+ Cerisa is a friendly doe who was raised on a bottle. Cerisa grew to be our tallest, largest doe from 2015. We love that she is long, tall and very correct except that her hocks turn in a bit much. She freshened 11/5/17 with a single doe kid. Cerisa has a teat with some scar tissue, but she milks easily with good-tasting milk. She would make a great family milk doe with good brood doe potential. 2018 Breeding: Mountaindell WRN Espresso |

Valley View Sun Dance (10641752)
DOB: 1/14/2014
Dam: Zoe 10475292 Zoe Perfect Twilight
Sire: LIBR 10569487 Leaning Tree MJ. Rocketman B38
Sunny was purchased by Sarah from Allan Leuthe as a kid. This fawn doe is 88% Boer. Sunny had triplets 1/12/18 and 1/4/17. Sunny has been sold, but we retained her daughters SunRae (2017) and Juliet (2017). We'll add their photos soon (Juliet's brother, Romeo, is pictured below.)
DOB: 1/14/2014
Dam: Zoe 10475292 Zoe Perfect Twilight
Sire: LIBR 10569487 Leaning Tree MJ. Rocketman B38
Sunny was purchased by Sarah from Allan Leuthe as a kid. This fawn doe is 88% Boer. Sunny had triplets 1/12/18 and 1/4/17. Sunny has been sold, but we retained her daughters SunRae (2017) and Juliet (2017). We'll add their photos soon (Juliet's brother, Romeo, is pictured below.)

Gorge-Us Rogue Red D340 (10754975)
DOB: 12/20/2014
Dam: Gorge-Us Gidget A22
Sire: Zoe Rogue Warrior
We purchased "Red" in August, 2015, from Gorge-Us Boers and are very excited to have a quality Boer buck! He gave us beautiful kids, including a Champion Market Wether at the Washington County Fair (see photo below). After using him in our herd for three years, we are bringing in a new buck and Red is now for sale.
DOB: 12/20/2014
Dam: Gorge-Us Gidget A22
Sire: Zoe Rogue Warrior
We purchased "Red" in August, 2015, from Gorge-Us Boers and are very excited to have a quality Boer buck! He gave us beautiful kids, including a Champion Market Wether at the Washington County Fair (see photo below). After using him in our herd for three years, we are bringing in a new buck and Red is now for sale.
Mountaindell CA I Need A Hero
*SOLD* DOB: 2/18/2016 Sire: GCH Colquitt's Andretti ++*B Elite Sire Dam: SG Allusion Hey There Delilah 8*M LA: (+V+)+ Hero is developing into a lovely doe; she has a very broad back and rump. This photo was taken within a week of her first freshening and she still looks pretty rough. We anticipate good production as she develops. 2017 Breeding: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel *B Had triplets 4/29/2018 |

Foxden Farm Grid (10742038)
Died 7/2017
DOB: 12/29/2016
Dam: OCB Oregon Boer Goats Lilly
Sire: Capriole's Red Thor
DNA on file
We recently purchased Grid from Trever and Lahna Fox and are looking forward to using him in our herd in 2017!
Sadly, Grid died suddenly in 2017.
Died 7/2017
DOB: 12/29/2016
Dam: OCB Oregon Boer Goats Lilly
Sire: Capriole's Red Thor
DNA on file
We recently purchased Grid from Trever and Lahna Fox and are looking forward to using him in our herd in 2017!
Sadly, Grid died suddenly in 2017.
SG Mountaindell Cabela *M
Died 6/2017 DOB: 2/26/2012 Sire: SG Wind Ridge Napoli +*B Elite Sire Dam: SG Great Adventure Tiero Rhiannid LA: 04-6 90 EEEE; 03-03 90 VEEE; 02-04 88 VE+E; 01-04 84 +V+V DNA Test on File (Alpha s1 Casein: E/E) Cabela (also belonging to Sarah) is the first doe we bred to receive a "Superior Genetics" designation from ADGA. She has beautiful mammary system, and is a consistently high producer. Our nicest Napoli daughter, we expect great things from this girl! She milked through 2014 and still appraised Excellent (90) in the spring of 2015! She was Supreme Doe at the 2015 Washington County Fair (pictured), as well as the 2016 Washington County Fair and the 2016 Oregon State Fair (4-H show). Cabela last freshened 3/24/17 with a large doe kid who, unfortunately, died during birth due to dystocia. Cabela became ill and died at the OSU Veterinary Hospital on 6/22/17 due to complications from that delivery. We miss this special doe very much! |
Mountaindell SWE Forever Hope
DOB: 2/20/2015 Sire: Sequoia Wood YJ Everest +*B Dam: Mountaindell Amy's Ditty 2*M LA: (VVV)V; (VAV)V Hope was a pretty yearling. We were hoping she would keep her dam's tight udder attachments and add milk production from her sire. Unfortunately, Hope developed a bad udder infection after she freshened in March, 2017, and was dried up right away. |

SG Sequoia Wood MZA Rosita *M
Died 12/2016
DOB: 2/20/06
Sire: CH Mt Zion WGU Atrides *B
Dam: SG Leap'N-Leabo Belecia
LA: 07-04 FS91 VEEE; 06-04 FS91 EEEV
We are proud of our Rosie! She has a lot of strength and dairy character. In 2012 (at 6 years old), she appraised EEEV/91 and milked 3800 pounds in 315 days. She is 10 this year and still one of our herd favorites. She last freshened in 2015, but couldn't keep weight on so was retired from milking. She later died in December, 2016, at the age of ten. We miss her!
Died 12/2016
DOB: 2/20/06
Sire: CH Mt Zion WGU Atrides *B
Dam: SG Leap'N-Leabo Belecia
LA: 07-04 FS91 VEEE; 06-04 FS91 EEEV
We are proud of our Rosie! She has a lot of strength and dairy character. In 2012 (at 6 years old), she appraised EEEV/91 and milked 3800 pounds in 315 days. She is 10 this year and still one of our herd favorites. She last freshened in 2015, but couldn't keep weight on so was retired from milking. She later died in December, 2016, at the age of ten. We miss her!

Sequoia Wood YJ Everest +*B **SOLD**
DOB: 1/23/2014
Sire: SG Tempo Aquila Yukon Jack ++*B Elite Sire
Dam: The Sequoia Wood Jasp Babydoll *M
LA: 02-07 83 +++; 01-04 83 +EV; (+VV)+
DNA Test on File
We loved our doe, Rosita, so much that we purchased this buck kid from Teri Hamilton. He is out of Yukon Jack and Rose's maternal half-sister. We have 3 daughters from him in our herd. We would like to see straighter toplines and longer rumps on his kids, but are pleased with them otherwise.
DOB: 1/23/2014
Sire: SG Tempo Aquila Yukon Jack ++*B Elite Sire
Dam: The Sequoia Wood Jasp Babydoll *M
LA: 02-07 83 +++; 01-04 83 +EV; (+VV)+
DNA Test on File
We loved our doe, Rosita, so much that we purchased this buck kid from Teri Hamilton. He is out of Yukon Jack and Rose's maternal half-sister. We have 3 daughters from him in our herd. We would like to see straighter toplines and longer rumps on his kids, but are pleased with them otherwise.

Mountaindell Distinct Elegance **SOLD**
DOB: 5/5/2014
Sire: Rendezvous Distinction +*B
Dam: SG Mountaindell LT Buttercup *M
This little doe is very long and classy. At less than a month old, she placed first in a class of 5 junior kids much older than her at the 2014 NWODGA Show. Owned by Sarah, she was selected Youth Junior Alpine Champion at that show. She freshened easily and milks 6-8# daily.
2015 Breeding: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel *B--twin bucks (wethered).
DOB: 5/5/2014
Sire: Rendezvous Distinction +*B
Dam: SG Mountaindell LT Buttercup *M
This little doe is very long and classy. At less than a month old, she placed first in a class of 5 junior kids much older than her at the 2014 NWODGA Show. Owned by Sarah, she was selected Youth Junior Alpine Champion at that show. She freshened easily and milks 6-8# daily.
2015 Breeding: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel *B--twin bucks (wethered).

Mountaindell MTB Eli Lilly Died 5/2016
DOB: 3/07/2014
Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B
Dam: SG Mountaindell Cabela *M
Lilly is a beautiful yearling belonging to Sarah. She is the same breeding as Delilah and Anya, both of whom were named Reserve Junior Champion Alpine at 2013 shows. She first freshened 3/20/16 and is milking over 10 pounds daily. Sadly, Lilly died suddenly of enterotoxemia in May, 2016, a year after the death of her full sister (Delilah) of the same illness.
2015 Breeding: Mountaindell WRN Espresso--twin bucks (wethered).
DOB: 3/07/2014
Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B
Dam: SG Mountaindell Cabela *M
Lilly is a beautiful yearling belonging to Sarah. She is the same breeding as Delilah and Anya, both of whom were named Reserve Junior Champion Alpine at 2013 shows. She first freshened 3/20/16 and is milking over 10 pounds daily. Sadly, Lilly died suddenly of enterotoxemia in May, 2016, a year after the death of her full sister (Delilah) of the same illness.
2015 Breeding: Mountaindell WRN Espresso--twin bucks (wethered).

SG Allusion Hey There Delilah 8*M **SOLD**
DOB: 4/16/2013
Sire: Soldier-Mtn Carlisle *B
Dam: SG Olentangy Synergy Xa-Phia 7*M
LA: 02-02 87 VV+V
We are excited to add a new doe to our herd, thanks to Lori Townsend. Lilah is a lovely first-freshening two-year-old who easily milks over a gallon a day. We look forward to seeing her mature!
2015 Breeding: *B CH Colquitt's Andretti--doe and buck (doe retained.)
DOB: 4/16/2013
Sire: Soldier-Mtn Carlisle *B
Dam: SG Olentangy Synergy Xa-Phia 7*M
LA: 02-02 87 VV+V
We are excited to add a new doe to our herd, thanks to Lori Townsend. Lilah is a lovely first-freshening two-year-old who easily milks over a gallon a day. We look forward to seeing her mature!
2015 Breeding: *B CH Colquitt's Andretti--doe and buck (doe retained.)

Mountaindell MTB Amy's Ditty 2*M
DOB: 3/18/2013
Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B
Dam: Ravens View Farms Ameila *M
LA: (VV+)V
Ditty is a first-freshening two-year-old. She had twins in February, 2015, and is blossoming into a lovely doe who is easy to milk. She is a very correct doe with a lot of grace. Due to an error in her tattoo, she did not get appraised this year. She is milking over 6 pounds a day as a first freshener and is was sold the first of November, 2015 to a wonderful 4-H family.
2015 Breeding: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel *B (Had triplets!)
DOB: 3/18/2013
Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B
Dam: Ravens View Farms Ameila *M
LA: (VV+)V
Ditty is a first-freshening two-year-old. She had twins in February, 2015, and is blossoming into a lovely doe who is easy to milk. She is a very correct doe with a lot of grace. Due to an error in her tattoo, she did not get appraised this year. She is milking over 6 pounds a day as a first freshener and is was sold the first of November, 2015 to a wonderful 4-H family.
2015 Breeding: Mountaindell SWE Gabriel *B (Had triplets!)

SG Mountaindell Delilah 2*M Died 5/2015
DOB: 3/19/2013
Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B
Dam: SG Mountaindell Cabela *M
LA: 01-03 86 VVVV
Delilah (also Sarah's) was Reserve Junior Champion at the 2013 Herd Jewels Junior Doe Show. She freshened April 16 with a beautiful udder, good production and excellent milk stand manners. At the 2014 Washington County Fair (a youth dairy goat show), she was chosen Supreme Doe over all. She had a sweet personality to accompany her good looks and milk production!
In 2015 Delilah freshened with twins in February, then died suddenly in May. A necropsy at OSU suggested enterotoxemia. We miss Delilah dearly! Her daughter, Gloria, is very similar to her in appearance and personally and we are happy to have Gloria in our herd. We also kept her son, Gabriel, in our herd.
DOB: 3/19/2013
Sire: SG Mountaindell Tango Bravo +*B
Dam: SG Mountaindell Cabela *M
LA: 01-03 86 VVVV
Delilah (also Sarah's) was Reserve Junior Champion at the 2013 Herd Jewels Junior Doe Show. She freshened April 16 with a beautiful udder, good production and excellent milk stand manners. At the 2014 Washington County Fair (a youth dairy goat show), she was chosen Supreme Doe over all. She had a sweet personality to accompany her good looks and milk production!
In 2015 Delilah freshened with twins in February, then died suddenly in May. A necropsy at OSU suggested enterotoxemia. We miss Delilah dearly! Her daughter, Gloria, is very similar to her in appearance and personally and we are happy to have Gloria in our herd. We also kept her son, Gabriel, in our herd.

Missdee's BA Cherise *M Died 3/2015
DOB: 3/30/2010
Sire: Missdee's VV Bell Adonis *B
Dam: Missdee's RHA Chamomile
LA: 03-03 89 VEEV
Cherise was a purebred French Alpine we purchased from Gene Dershewitz in August, 2013. As a yearling, she milked 3,310 in 305 days (5,010 in 517 days for her complete lactation) and we were looking forward to adding her milk production to our herd. She was at the end of an extended lactation when we purchased her, so we bred her and dried her up. The breeding did not take, however, and she stayed dry in 2014. She freshened March 5, 2015 with lovely twin does, but died of a sudden infection two days later. We are sad she did not live to realize her potential in our herd (and we never got a good photo of her.)
DOB: 3/30/2010
Sire: Missdee's VV Bell Adonis *B
Dam: Missdee's RHA Chamomile
LA: 03-03 89 VEEV
Cherise was a purebred French Alpine we purchased from Gene Dershewitz in August, 2013. As a yearling, she milked 3,310 in 305 days (5,010 in 517 days for her complete lactation) and we were looking forward to adding her milk production to our herd. She was at the end of an extended lactation when we purchased her, so we bred her and dried her up. The breeding did not take, however, and she stayed dry in 2014. She freshened March 5, 2015 with lovely twin does, but died of a sudden infection two days later. We are sad she did not live to realize her potential in our herd (and we never got a good photo of her.)

Kids 4 Christ Eowyn Died 5/2015
DOB: 12/16/10
Dam: K4C I-10509461 Kids 4 Christ Grub's Legacy
Sire: JRA1 10444725 Lazy S-T/Agnew Redneck Racer
Eowyn was Sarah's first Boer doe, purchased in Fall, 2012. She freshened with twins in 2013 and triplets in 2014. Unfortunately, she died of an infection in May, 2015.
DOB: 12/16/10
Dam: K4C I-10509461 Kids 4 Christ Grub's Legacy
Sire: JRA1 10444725 Lazy S-T/Agnew Redneck Racer
Eowyn was Sarah's first Boer doe, purchased in Fall, 2012. She freshened with twins in 2013 and triplets in 2014. Unfortunately, she died of an infection in May, 2015.
SG Wind Ridge Napoli +*B Elite Sire
Died 11/2014 DOB: 4/26/2007 Sire: SG Redwood Hills Jaegar ++*B Elite Sire Dam: SG Tempo ARC Verona LA: 04-03 88 VVE Napoli was a large sundgau we purchased in 2011. He gave us some beautiful daughters (SG Cabela, SG Sky, Esprit, SG Elan) and one son (Espresso). In 2013, one of his daughters, SGCH G A Dairy Ripasso, produced 4,690 pounds of milk, appraised VEEE FS90, and was 11th in Nationals. |

Ravens View Farms Amelia *M SOLD
DOB: 4/22/2010
Sire: Abita Springs Hornet
Dam: SG Waiilatpu WK Merlot
LA: 04-02 90 VEVE; 03-02 87 VV+E
Amy is a short, sturdy doe with very correct legs and an udder with excellent, high attachment all around. While she is not a heavy milk producer, she has been prolific with triplets. She is exceptionally sound and healthy, and a very easy keeper.
2014: Bred to Ebenezer 9/14/14 (Confirmed)
DOB: 4/22/2010
Sire: Abita Springs Hornet
Dam: SG Waiilatpu WK Merlot
LA: 04-02 90 VEVE; 03-02 87 VV+E
Amy is a short, sturdy doe with very correct legs and an udder with excellent, high attachment all around. While she is not a heavy milk producer, she has been prolific with triplets. She is exceptionally sound and healthy, and a very easy keeper.
2014: Bred to Ebenezer 9/14/14 (Confirmed)

SG Mountaindell Cloudy Sky 2*M SOLD
DOB: 4/25/2012
Sire: SG Wind Ridge Napoli +*B Elite Sire
Dam: SG Mountaindell LT Buttercup *M
LA: 02-02 86 VVVV
Sarah's doe Sky freshened in February with a buttery-soft udder and is producing well for a 2-year-old first freshener. She is well put together, though she could use a tighter udder attachment.
2014: Bred to Everest 9/8/14
DOB: 4/25/2012
Sire: SG Wind Ridge Napoli +*B Elite Sire
Dam: SG Mountaindell LT Buttercup *M
LA: 02-02 86 VVVV
Sarah's doe Sky freshened in February with a buttery-soft udder and is producing well for a 2-year-old first freshener. She is well put together, though she could use a tighter udder attachment.
2014: Bred to Everest 9/8/14