We sell bottle babies at a week of age, or weaned kids around 8-10 weeks old. We sell dairy goats, pack goats and pasture pets as they are available.
Pack goat kids must be reserved in advance if you want them with horns (otherwise we disbud all kids at a week old).
ADGA registration and DNA testing for paternity is included in the cost of Alpine bucks.
We have a waiting list for Alpine milkers.
We have a waiting list for buck kids for pack goats. (Horned kids must be reserved in advance, as we disbud all of our kids at a week of age.).
Contact us for additional photos and information!
Breedings to our Alpine and Boer bucks can be arranged. Does must be visibly healthy and have recently tested negative for CAE. Please email or call for more information. We will consider leasing a buck to a healthy CAE-negative herd with adequate fencing and shelter.